Emergencies & Disasters and Wells
Powerful storms are continuing to rip through our nation. Emergencies and natural disasters such as floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, snow and ice events, spills, and wind storms affect thousands each year. If you are a private well owner, and an emergency or natural disaster has occurred on or near your property, there are some things you need to know about your drinking water supply. Learn more about Emergencies & Disasters and Wells.
NEW! Videos to Help with Emergencies and Your Well:
Drought & Wildfires and Your Water Well
Emergency Resources for Water Well Owners
Managing a Flooded Well and Disinfecting Your Well
WSC has developed an interactive map with resources, videos, and information sheets to provide information quickly to private water well owners if an emergency or natural disaster has occurred on or near your property.
In the event of an emergency or natural disaster that threatens safe drinking water supplies, view our information sheets, videos, and use the interactive map below to access agencies within your state or province that can HELP.
The wellcare® Hotline can also help! Our staff members are available to answer your questions and provide you with any information you need to maintain a safe water well supply. Contact us by calling 888-395-1033, send us an email at info@wellcarehotline.org, or chat with us live. The Hotline is available Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. ET with direct access to a live staff member!
To use the interactive map below, click on your state or province to view contact information for emergency management agencies, health departments, information on water well testing including certified laboratories, and lists of water well professionals for the state or province you selected. If you are a Puerto Rico resident please click here to be redirected to the emergency agencies page.
Additional Resources
You may also consider viewing our wellcare® information sheets below on various emergency related topics:
Emergencies & Disasters and Wells - pdf (127.4 KiB)
Disinfecting Your Well - pdf (116.1 KiB)
Disinfecting Your Well (Spanish) - pdf (245.1 KiB)
Drought and Your Well - pdf (85.9 KiB)
Managing a Flooded Well - pdf (99.1 KiB)
Wildfires and Wells - pdf (106.9 KiB)
View our PSA on Emergencies & Wells
View our Disinfecting a Well video
Help System: Information for Private Well Owners Affected by Natural Disasters and Emergencies (graphic)
When to Disinfect a Well (graphic)
Additional agencies that can HELP:
2-1-1 Information & Referral
Red Cross Disaster Relief & Recovery
Salvation Army