Water you giving to the next generation?

When someone says drought, do you think about the water coming out of your taps, groundwater, or your well water? Don’t take water for granted! Just because it is there now, doesn’t mean it will be there in the future.

Drought is a period of drier than normal conditions (low or no rain or snow!) that result in water-related problems. Drought can last for months or years or may be declared after as few as 15 days. Many areas face serious regional water shortages because water is being used faster than it can be replenished naturally. Water conservation can help well owners secure their drinking water supply, save money, and protect the environment. Don’t wait until a prolonged drought creates a water emergency. Consider measures today to preserve your water supply.

Download our information sheets on Drought and Your Well and Water Conservation to learn about steps you can take. For more tips search #conservewater #savewater and #waterconservation on our social media pages.