Hotline HOT Topic: For the record…

How can I find my well records?

Well records (also known as the well log, well completion report, or drilling report), usually include a reference number for the well, the date the well was drilled, the well contractor, the well owner at the time of construction, location of the well, and various construction details such as drilling method used, depth of the well, depth and type of casing (lining of your well/visible pipe aboveground), and depth and size of the pump. Most states require well contractors to file these records when a new well is drilled and many states have searchable databases to retrieve this information electronically. Local health departments may also keep a copy of these records. If you need help locating your well records contact the wellcare® Hotline.

If your well is older (20+ years), well records may not be available for your well. Not to worry! You can write down all your well information in our Well Owner’s Manual. Get your free copy by emailing your name and address to or download it from our website.